Taking advantage of the DTM’s built in mount holes, the MMC adds nothing to the profi le of the magazines only adding the space required to fi t securely to the DAM while doubling on board ammo capacity and reducing reload time. Its streamlined design gives ultimate customization allowing it to be used on any size DTM, including coupling two different capacity DTM even opposite directions for some Old School tactics. Double the capacity, flip them around, even mix and match, the MMC won’t fail even in the harshest conditions.
The Improved Stability Stock is a collapsible carbine style stock made specifically for the DAM. It has seven positions of length adjustment to fit a variety of arm lengths.
Planet Eclipse EMEK EMF100/DYE DAM CF20 Continuous Feed Magazine, 20 Shot With the CF20 magazine from Planet Eclipse, the hassle and tedious flipping of the magazine is over. Now you can shoot 20 shots of First Strike Paintballs or 21 shots of normal Roundball's continuously.
Universal design accomdates just about any marker. Allows hands free control of your paintball gun. Made with Super-Strong webbed nylon strap and plastic hook connections. The 3-Point design allows better adjustability and balance of your marker.
Here is a first look at our new "patent pending" Quick Exhaust Piston Housing for the Cyclone Loader. The QEPH is designed to rapidly vent the blast of air that is used to advance the loader.
Tru-Feed 7-Ball Magazine will now come standard with every TiPX Pistol, uses a straight feed, low tension spring system that allows players to use a wider variety of paint, and is less affected by hot or humid conditions.