Totem Air Coltri Compressor Icon SH 100 Honda...
Charging rate
Measured during 10 liters cylinder filling from 0-200 bar tolerance +/- 5% at + 20° C ambient temperature.
100 SH - 100 l/min
6 m3/h
3.5 CFM
Purification system Eco-filter
Charging rate
Measured during 10 liters cylinder filling from 0-200 bar tolerance +/- 5% at + 20° C ambient temperature.
100 SH - 100 l/min
6 m3/h
3.5 CFM
Purification system Eco-filter
For use with Macroline 6.3 mm hose fittings only. Awesome alternative to steel braided hoses that never seem to be long or short enough.
30 cm
Totem Air "Tattoo" UL 1.1L/68ci 4500psi Tank
PTFE sealing tape eliminates the need for lubricants and vacuum greases on ground-glass joints, desiccators, and bell jars. It provides a vacuum-tight seal, yet will release readily even after long periods of time.
For use with Tank mounted adjustable regulators. Tanks that screw in will NOT fit with this dropforward without additional parts.
Lost your connector from the remote to the marker? Here's the solution...
With the Manta Air Hole Plug you can close either a connection of your storage tank or the end of a compressed air hose. It’s the way to go to blind your Manta Paintball filling system.
This hose serves primarily to convey air from one cylinder to another. As the name suggest, it is equipped with a bleed valve to get rid of unwanted air which accumulates inside the hose.
Rubber replacement part for the Manta filling handles.
Parts to repair Totem Air Preset Regulators.
The Quick Filler is the fastest way to fill a paintball tank with high pressure air.